09 February 2023

One Michelin Star in Fulda. Germany.

A nice culinary experience at Christian&Friends in the small town of Fulda in Germany.

Food Lodging
15 December 2022

Three Michelin Stars at Tegernsee. Germany.

Christian Jürgens is one of Germany`s great Chefs on the shore of picturesque lake Tegernsee.

Food Places
22 September 2021

Fine Dining. Munich. Germany

I went on to a foodie tour in Munich, Germany, and found quite a gem...

13 May 2019

3 Michelin Star dining in Hamburg. Kevin Fehling. The Table.

Hamburg, Germany. A fascinating City with a rich history and old money. Its new landmark is the Elbphilharmonie, a building...

MySlowTrip - Lukas Stipkovits - About me

From the fast lane of investment banking to the slow lane of back to the essentials

about me