I’m Lukas. In my best mid-50s. Married. Two kids as the greatest gift on earth.

My roots are in the heart of Europe, in Vienna, Austria. My home is the world.

For 30 years I used to be on the fast lane. Investment Banking, Asset Management, numerous senior management positions at global financial players. Now I have pulled over to the slow lane.

I am still very active in and passionate about financial markets and investing. But equally important have become enjoyment, self reflection, coming back to the roots. Reducing life to the essentials.

Shifting one or two gears down also clears the mind for investment decisions.

My passions besides the stockmarket are travelling, cooking and tasting food as well as reading enriching books.

I have travelled the world – 52 countries on 4 continents (yes, Down-Under and Antarctica are still on my bucket list). I have boarded around 1.200 flights – from a short 25 minutes ride on a private jet from London to Cardiff to the longest scheduled flight at the time from New York to Singapore taking 17:45 hours nonstop.

I have stayed at filthy places such as 2* airport hotels with reminiscences of my predecessor in my bed linen as well as suites at the best 5* hotels at amazing places with unforgettable experiences.

I have enjoyed street food in Bangkok and X’ian, but also marveled at the art of three star Michelin chefs in San Sebastian, Lyon or New York.

I love extremes. You can’t appreciate luxury if You ain’t seen the dirty side. It’s all about pleasure and enjoyment. “Carpe Diem” as the old Romans used to say.

My proposition is to invite You to join me on my slow trip. Not just literally with travelling but analogically with life itself.

This journey is not about action, speed, records or meaningless crazy stuff. This trip is about our inner journey towards pleasure, fun, being at ease with yourself.

I will share places, food and accommodation experiences with you as well as my “wisdom” I have gained in 4 decades of investing. Also, I will share with you tips for travel, books, but also investing, where I have learnt so much for life.

Let’s experience these enlightening “Wow effects” together.

MySlowTrip - Lukas Stipkovits - About me

From the fast lane of investment banking to the slow lane of back to the essentials

about me