Investment Biker

Around the World with Jim Rogers,
Jim Rogers

This is my all time favorite. Jim – who I had the privilege to meet a couple of times in person – is a legend in my profession, namely money management. He retired in his mid Thirties in the late 1980s and went on a 3 year long tour around the world with his BMW motorbike. His account of the huge variety of countries, peoples, cultures across the globe is unique. Unbelievable, what red-tape and dangers Jim has encountered on his trip. At the same time, he was always on the lookout for great investment opportunities. I have read it several times. Highly enjoyable and educational at the same time. My role model for the ultimate road trip.

My Slow Trip Investment Biker

The Idle Traveller

The art of slow travel,
Ed Kieran

This travel book has probably been the most inspirational for me. Ed gives in just 7 chapters his ultimate “tips” on travelling: for example “Travel, don’t arrive”, “Be your own guide”, “Follow your instincts”, or my favorite one: “Embrace disaster”. The latter principle I have applied repeatedly during my journeys. This book has changed my view on how I look at travelling. At the end of the book Ed elaborates on travelling as metaphor for life itself.

My Slow Trip Idle Traveller


A Journey from Lost to Found,
Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl, in her mid twenties, lost her mother from cancer, and her marriage crumbled. So she decided to make the big walk, to find her inner peace. She walked the 1,100 miles Pacific Trail along the West Coast of the US. Great descriptions of every day life challenges along this adventure, but also how this adventure changed her life. The story served as a screenplay for a movie with the great, one and only Reese Witherspoon. Absolutely worth reading and watching.

My SLow Trip Der Grosse Trip

The Art of Travel

Alain de Botton

Alain is a bestselling author, who lives in London, where he runs The School of Life and Living Architecture. In this book, he spans a journey with the names of the chapters: Departure – motives – landscape – art – return. “A beautifully crafted book of bons mots, an elegant blend of European intellectualism and British pragmatism” (Evening Standard).

My SLow Trip The Art Of Travel

Long Way Round

Ewan McGregor, Charley Boorman

What a great story: two British blokes – one of them happens to be a Hollywood celebrity – are bike fanatics and set out for the big ride. They start from London for a 115 days long trip, go East across Asia, cross the Bering Straight and then travel North America. They share extraordinary encounters with people, awkward situations and amazing outdoor experiences. Very funny and witty. But I am biased: Ewan is one of my favorite actors.

My SLow Trip Long Way Round
MySlowTrip - Lukas Stipkovits - About me

From the fast lane of investment banking to the slow lane of back to the essentials

about me